Episode 23 - The Church of Music

Jeff and Darron explore Jeff’s long-simmering idea to create a secular church around the performance of music. Jeff talks about the original inspiration for his idea, they discuss the origins of music and its role in human culture, their own histories with music, why music specifically might work as a centering activity, the modern commodification of music and separation into performers and consumers, what a church of music might look like and how it might function, the potential benefits of creating a purposeful community around creation, and they even sing a little bit.


Episode 16 - Partisan Pizza

Jeff and Darron explore the nature of conservatism and progressivism by looking at pizza and other food preferences. They talk about the nature of category designations, what it means to call something by a specific name, and why this can sometimes feel so important to us. They look at their own preferences and inclinations towards conservative or progressive thinking, examine where they might come from, and how they are often dependent on context. They touch on the benefits of honing an existing process versus trying new techniques and methods, the importance and drawbacks of categories and categorization, and finally how we might use an examination of our personal preferences about food to better understand the larger sociopolitical and cultural context in which we find ourselves.


Episode 14 - Talkin' Baseball Stories & Beautiful Illusions

Jeff and Darron have a casual conversation about the beautiful illusion of baseball. They talk about their own experiences centered around the narrative of baseball as something passed from father to son, delve a bit into the myth and magic on offer through baseball history, discuss the dissonance they both experience at times being Yankee fans, and tell a lot of personal stories about going to games. Jeff describes how his engagement with the narrative of baseball has changed over time, and Darron talks about how through the years he somehow still manages to buy into the naive magical view of the National Pastime. It’s a relatively loose, fun conversation that leaves a lot on the table for future exploration.


Made with love using Windows Paint…

Made with love using Windows Paint…

Episode 09 - Lying About Santa: Naughty or Nice?

Darron and Jeff talk about the somewhat contentious issue of lying to kids about Santa Claus - why do we do it and what are some possible impacts that encouraging belief in fiction as fact might have on both individuals and the larger culture? They discuss ways adults view the world and relate to kids, the changing nature of cultural traditions, and how we might handle the Santa story in a different way. Stick around after the main show for a special interview with BI's first ever guest, Darron's daughter Lia, who shares some of her thoughts about Santa Claus.

*A note about the audio in this episode - due to COVID this conversation was recorded in a large garage on a brisk 40 degree November Sunday, so there’s a bit of natural reverb, along with the buzz of propane heaters and leaf blowers audible in the background. Like so many things over the past 9 months, it’s not optimal, but we make the best of a challenging situation, and the cleaned up audio is certainly listenable, if not quite up to BI's usual standards.*


Darron and Jeff talk about the somewhat contentious issue of lying to kids about Santa Claus - why do we do it and what are some possible impacts that encouraging belief in fiction as fact might have on both individuals and the larger culture?