Episode 14 - Talkin' Baseball Stories & Beautiful Illusions

Jeff and Darron have a casual conversation about the beautiful illusion of baseball. They talk about their own experiences centered around the narrative of baseball as something passed from father to son, delve a bit into the myth and magic on offer through baseball history, discuss the dissonance they both experience at times being Yankee fans, and tell a lot of personal stories about going to games. Jeff describes how his engagement with the narrative of baseball has changed over time, and Darron talks about how through the years he somehow still manages to buy into the naive magical view of the National Pastime. It’s a relatively loose, fun conversation that leaves a lot on the table for future exploration.


Made with love using Windows Paint…

Made with love using Windows Paint…

Episode 10 - Craft Beer Culture: A Personal History

Darron and Jeff talk about their experiences and relationship with beer from their late teens to present day. In the process of highlighting a few specific beers and their associated memories that hold special significance for them, they explore their relationship to the once burgeoning, but now booming world of craft beer. They examine how our their own personal tastes and interests evolved along with the craft industry, and how craft beer exemplifies active participation in culture. 

Darron and Jeff talk about their experiences and relationship with beer from their late teens to present day. In the process of highlighting a few specific beers and their associated memories that hold special significance for them, they explore their relationship to the once burgeoning, but now booming world of craft beer.
