Episode 27 - A Gluten-Free Beautiful Illusion

Darron and Jeff discuss Darron's recent diagnosis and early experience with Celiac disease. They talk about what led to the diagnosis, how it impacts his identity as a bread baker both personally and socially, and how he views his personal medical needs in relation to others and the rest of the world at large. They use the example of quitting drinking as an analogue to explore the social reality of these types of life changes, whether we choose them or have them thrust upon us. Finally they talk about how amazing modern science is, the role of learning and the importance of love of learning when we suddenly find ourselves in new contexts, and how we might instill this love in young learners.

Episode 19 - How We Learn Like A Scout: Critically Thinking About Critical Thinking

Darron and Jeff discuss what it means to teach critical thinking in the classroom. They begin with a few concerns they share about how this is currently done, then move into an exploration of how ideas from two books, “The Scout Mindset” by Julia Galef, and “How We Learn” by Stanislas Dehaene, might be used to develop a more useful conception of critical thinking and provide insight into how it, or anything else, might be taught and learned more successfully. They conclude with a brainstorming session geared towards the development of a new unit that Jeff can implement in his English classes during the upcoming school year using the ideas they previously discussed.
