Episode 08 - System 2, Superman, & Simulacra: Jeff's Amateur Philosophy

Jeff and Darron talk about the evolution of Jeff’s amateur philosophy and the development of his Beautiful Illusions concept- the ongoing exploration of which is the foundational idea behind this podcast. Jeff walks through some experiences that changed his thinking, they discuss some of the key ideas that led to further construction and refinement of the bigger idea, and how this exploration ultimately opened up new avenues of thought to pursue. A quick content warning, there is a bit of mild swearing in this episode, so if that kind of thing bothers you please take note.


In today's episode "System 2, Superman, and Simulacra" we talk about the evolution of Jeff's amateur philosophy and the development of his Beautiful Illusions concept - the ongoing exploration of which is the foundational idea behind this podcast.

Episode 06 - What We Talk About When We Talk About Politics

Jeff and Darron discuss how difficult it is to discuss politics and political issues, particularly with our friends and loved ones who might have views different than our own. Jeff relays a story of a recent conversation among friends gone awry, and they consider the role that emotions, identity, and cognitive biases play in our political conversations. Lastly they consider some ways in which we might have more productive conversations that help build understanding and hopefully don’t harm our relationships. This conversation was recorded a few days before the 2020 presidential election.


Jeff and Darron discuss how difficult it is to discuss politics and political issues, particularly with our friends and loved ones who might have views different than our own. Jeff relays a story of a recent conversation among friends gone awry, and they consider the role that emotions, identity, and cognitive biases play in our political conversations.

Episode 00 - Introducing Beautiful Illusions

Jeff and Darron ponder the intersection of reality, consciousness, and culture through conversations that comprise an ongoing attempt to construct meaning by exploring art and science, develop understanding of the context underpinning our current moment in time, and imagine possible futures for human civilization. No expertise here, just two guys who enjoy learning, thinking, and talking about big ideas, deep questions, and the “beautiful illusion” that is the subjective human experience. In this introduction to Beautiful Illusions we lay out some of the major ideas, questions, and thinking that have led to the development of the project, discuss what Beautiful Illusions means to us, and we introduce a few areas of thought that will be further expounded upon in future episodes.

Show Notes:

Jeff & Darron ponder the intersection of reality, consciousness, and culture through conversations that comprise an ongoing attempt to construct meaning by exploring art and science, develop understanding of the context underpinning our current moment in time, and imagine possible futures for human civilization.