Poems in Progress: Poets, Like Breweries

Imagine: poets, like breweries, popping
Up across this great land. Every town will
Have two, three, however many needed
To quench the public’s thirst for metaphor.

The poets, our word masters, will mix words
Like water and malt into a rough draft
wort waiting to be further crafted by
Separating the slowly liquifying
Words into a flowing verse.

Then the bard will
Boil into his bubbly creation
The beautifying elements: symbols,
Imagery, and of course alliteration,
Adding the ample hoppyness listeners
Love to explore.

Last, he’ll let the ideas
Ferment as the natural yeasts of time
Allow them to cohere into something
More than what they are made of.

And every
Friday and Saturday people will gather
To imbibe the creations, reaching
a type of intoxication that leaves
You hungover in a way that truly
Reshapes experience and the mind.